Let's play of

The Game : The Game
by Angela Washko


The Game: The Game > Gameplay Videos

The Game: The Game (gameplay video)
documentation video
7:07 minutes
This video features excerpts from a play-through of The Game: The Game.

The Game: The Game is a dating simulator video game about pick-up artists. Your experience may include sexual situations, sexual violence, and/or offensive language. This game is not advised for players under the age of 18.

Composed entirely of scenarios, techniques, and language from texts and instructional videos created by these seduction coaches, The Game: The Game flips the script on the iterative processes of some of the world’s most prominent pick-up artists. If their techniques are systematically manipulative, The Game: The Game allows you to tactically explore, expose, and defuse them. But it also makes you complicit in their frequently dehumanizing behavior: refusing their advances results in a brief game. Only by actively consenting to participate in your suitor’s methods—which can range from cheesy to violent—will you be able to more fully understand them. The game is at turns funny and alarming, an experience heightened by a disorienting original score from Xiu Xiu. The Game: The Game is the product of several years of research by artist Angela Washko in the pick-up artist (PUA) community. Sorting through this often troubling material, she rejects the polarizing language that frequently surrounds PUAs, offering a nuanced view of power and desire in the complex world of contemporary sex and dating by giving players the opportunity to experience these systems firsthand.
The Game: The Game is a feminist video game made by Angela Washko. The project presents an exploration of consent and the politics, tactics and practices of the male pick-up artist and seduction community. Through the format of a dating simulator, players experience the practices of several prominent seduction coaches (aka pick-up artists). In the game these pick-up gurus attempt to seduce the player using their signature techniques taken directly from their instructional books and video materials. Pitting players up against six prominent seduction coaches who are vying for their attention at a bar, the game provides the opportunity for players to explore the complexity of the construction of social behaviors around dating as well as the experience of being a femme-presenting individual navigating this complicated and often dangerous terrain. It is accompanied by a musical score thoughtfully composed by Xiu Xiu.
1. Rdv 14h sur Zoom
2. Lancement du jeu & partage d'écran - Ajustements techniques
3. Let's play et discussion, débat, réactions autour du contenu du jeu et des choix à faire. 
4. Le let's play est enregistré sous format vidéo. 
5. Maximum 1h30 de jeu. 30 minutes de retours. 
Essay on reallifemag
The Game: The Game is being preserved and published on the Rhizome at the New Museum Net Art Anthology.
Liens :
BANGED: A Feminist Artist Interviews the Web’s Most Infamous Misogynist
Expert en harcèlement sexuel
Super seducer

Un type de regard ? matérialiste, physique ?
Quand tu es regardé.e par quelqu'un, tu existe aux yeux de l'autre
où est la marge/cap à passer entre contact et drague ?
Binarité de l'opposition qui ne marche pas
Les hommes de pouvoir dans le monde de l'art
Les extraits de Wittig sur la dualité
Effet de la crèpe
ère de récupération, lié aux pubs ?
Le coup de gueule de Juliette Rousseau
> Quoi faire face à quelqu'un qui pense être dans le juste ?
Réagir? Ne pas subir ? Réagir c'est subir donc agir
Entre détachement et émotivité
Les moines zen qui répondent à coté aux questions et ouvrent d'autres espaces
Se placer à coté et pas dedans
effet miroir?

Le parallèle avec les données (spreadsheet)
Jusqu'où elle a du étudier leurs conversations ?
Les personnages sont construits autour d'arguments : pas de vrais personnages
Salut toutestoutes,
Merci Alix pour l'anarchivage et les notes !
La session me laisse un sentiment étrange, qui m'accompagne, me "colle un peu au bask'", mais je n'arrive pas encore à bien comprendre ce qu'il en est. Je voulais vous dire que ces deux sessions m'ont vraiment donné de la hauteur. Je ne me rendais pas compte des possibilités et des richesses à faire ce projet de partager des problématique, et d'essayer de s'y atteler ensemble... Je crois que je comprends bien, et j'ai hâte de vous retrouver encore !
Des bises,
Intro :
Episode 1 : Julien